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Anthony Hopkins: "i apenas Lembre-se de Kathy Bates chegando no palco...

"i apenas Lembre-se de Kathy Bates chegando no palco e "o Oscar vai para Anthony Hopkins". Eu olhei em volta, porque eu realmente pensei que Nick Nolte conseguiria. Eu realmente pensei que Nick iria conseguir. Fiquei muito surpreso. Era pescoço e pescoço com Nick Nolte e eu. Então eu realmente esperava que isso aconteça, e eu fui lá sem quaisquer expectativas."

--- Anthony Hopkins

Versão em inglês

I just remember Kathy Bates getting on the stage and "The Oscar goes to Anthony Hopkins." I looked around, because I really thought Nick Nolte would get it. I really thought Nick would get it. I was very surprised. It was neck and neck with Nick Nolte and myself. So I really was expecting that to happen, and I went in there without any expectations.