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Kurt Vonnegut: "American Rifleman e Field & Stream teve anúncios para...

"American Rifleman e Field & Stream teve anúncios para "Varmint Guns". Outro Varmint era um porco do solo porque um cavalo estaria indo e ele ficaria com o pé em um chão buraco e quebraria a perna. Então estávamos tentando evitar isso também. Mas finalmente nos assustamos. Nós não percebemos que eram nozes."

--- Kurt Vonnegut

Versão em inglês

American Rifleman and Field & Stream had ads for "varmint guns." Another varmint was a ground hog because a horse would be going along and he'd stick his foot in a ground hog hole and break his leg. So we were trying to prevent that, too. But we finally scared ourselves. We didn't realize we were nuts.