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Arthur Cleveland Bent
Frases de "Arthur Cleveland Bent" sobre "NAMES"
"The love-making of the bluebird is as beautiful as the bird itself, and normally as gentle, unless interrupted by some jealous rival who would steal his bride; then gentleness gives place to active combat. The male usually arrives a few days ahead of the female, selects what he considers to be a suitable summer home, and carols his sweetest, most seductive notes day after day until she appears in answer to his call."
Arthur Cleveland Bent
"Nota de fato seria o homem que não sentiu a emoção despertada pelo primeiro vislumbre de cor brilhante no pomar, e as notas judiores Borne aos nossos ouvidos no primeiro sopro suave da primavera!"
Arthur Cleveland Bent
"O bluebird é bem nomeado, pois ele usa uma camada do azul mais puro, mais rico e mais lindo nas costas, asas e cauda ; Nenhum pássaro norte-americano merece melhor o nome, por nenhum outro flashes antes de nossos olhos admirando tanto azul brilhante."
Arthur Cleveland Bent