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Donald E. Westlake: "A outra coisa que eu voltei - os romances Parker...

"A outra coisa que eu voltei - os romances Parker nunca tiveram muita coisa a ver com raça. Houve alguns personagens negros aqui e ali, mas o primeiro lote de livros naquela época, tenho muitas cartas de caras negros urbanos em seus 20 anos, 30, 40s. O que eles estavam vendo que estavam reagindo? E acho que finalmente percebi - naquela época, eles eram caras que se sentiram muito excluídos da sociedade, que haviam sido rejeitados pelo mundo americano maior."

--- Donald E. Westlake

Versão em inglês

The other thing that I got back then - the Parker novels have never had much of anything to do with race. There have been a few black characters here and there, but the first batch of books back then, I got a lot of letters from urban black guys in their 20s, 30s, 40s. What were they seeing that they were reacting to? And I think I finally figured it out - at that time, they were guys who felt very excluded from society, that they had been rejected by the greater American world.