Frases de "George Plimpton" sobre "DANDO"
"O prazer do esporte era tantas vezes a chance de satisfazer a cessação do próprio tempo - o jarro que ficou de novo no monte, o esquiador pronto no topo de uma trilha de montanha, o jogador de basquete com a pele áspera da bola Contra a palma da mão, preparando-se para um tiro sujo, o tenista no ponto de ajuste sobre o seu adversário - todos eles saboreando um momento antes de se comprometerem a ação."
--- George Plimpton

"Golf cannot be played in anger, or in any mood of emotiional excess. Half the golf balls struck by amateurs are hit if not in rage surely in bewilderment, or gloom, or in cynicism, or even hysterically - all of those emotional excesses must be contained by the professional. Which is why balance is one of the essential ingredients of golf. Professionals invariably trudge phlegmatically around the course - whatever emotions are seething within - with the grim yet placid and bored look of cowpokes, slack-bodied in their saddles, who have been tending the same herd for two months."
--- George Plimpton