James Wolcott: "Historicamente, a comédia de Hollywood chegou a envelo...
"Historicamente, a comédia de Hollywood chegou a envelopes magros. De cerca Post Buster Keaton a Jerry Lewis de Herky-Jerky para Wiry Nerve-Bundle Woody Allen para soltar Richard Pryor para Whippy Contortionist Jim Carrey, seus quadrinhos e palhaços tenderam a ser cortado fino e dobrado."
--- James WolcottVersão em inglês
Historically, Hollywood comedy has arrived in skinny envelopes. From fence post Buster Keaton to herky-jerky Jerry Lewis to wiry nerve-bundle Woody Allen to hung-loose Richard Pryor to whippy contortionist Jim Carrey, its comics and clowns have tended to be sliced thin and bendable.
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